Cyclone Jet, Twin Spin, Stainless, Grey
Cyclone Jet, Twin Spin, Stainless, Grey
Precio: 50,66 € ex. IVA
Codigo del articulo: JT-PT132

Estado del stock en tiempo real: 5 disponible, 2 - 5 dias de entrega

Agregue a la cesta:

Type of Product: Water jet internal
Manufacturer: Pentair
Colour / Finish: Grey, Stainless
Commonly Used With:  
Fits Hole Size:  
Connections: Twist lock
Dimensions: Diameter of face: 127 mm
Height: 140 mm
Diameter of rear nozzle: 18 mm
Additional notes: Very easy to fit, gently push and turn until it clicks in place.
Due to low sales we will not be selling this product after the current stock has run out.